What I Learned from my 8-year old about Dreaming

I ushered in this new year super on-fire.  I woke up early January 1st making pretty graphics to guide my year that looked like this.And like this. I challenged my kids to make vision boards.  I invited them to fill a poster with all the things they would love in 2016.  I cleared the kitchen island to let their imaginations run free. Their dreams began to find their way into 11×17 format. My oldest son started clipping away, deep in focus, wanting to make sure he didn’t miss anything.  He covered all the bases – homeschool goals, health, being nicer, travel.  I smiled to myself thinking, wow, we have guided this Jedi well.  My youngest started cutting out big letters to spell out his dreams.  Five-year old spelling awesomeness.  I hovered over his bold typography cutouts, pleased. Then, my 8-year old daughter Avery grabs her gluestick and her scissors.  She puts one picture on her vision board:  a lemur.  She draws plenty of colorful squiggles and rainbows alongside.  Ten minutes flat and with a flick of her beachy wild hair, she’s done. I found myself tweaked, asking her in that southern Stepford mom smile, “That’s it? Don’t you want to fill it up with anything more, honey?” … Continue reading What I Learned from my 8-year old about Dreaming